GYSLT Top Tips for Self-Care

Turn up the music!

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Something you can do to improve your mood now: turn on that music and turn it up loud. Dance around the house and move. A powerful tool for shaking off a bad mood.

Treat yourself

Eat the treat! It’s all about moderation, fit your food into a healthy lifestyle and enjoy it. Eating healthily and enjoying a treat now and then means you are less likely to overdo it!

Get in the kitchen and cook.

Sending the time to make a nourishing and healthy meal can actually have a positive impact on mind and body.You’ll find it may encourage you to explore more healthy recipes. 

Get a massage (be aware of Covid-19 advice on this)

At a spa, from your partner, a local beauty salon or an at home therapist – massage is a great way to take care of your body (and slots into ‘you’ time that I think should be happening every week)

Put aside some ‘you’ time

An hour once or twice a week – schedule in a little relaxation time! If you struggle to give yourself a breather and are weighed under a workload this is a great thing to schedule and stick to. Go somewhere relaxing, meditate, do a yoga class… the only rule... no phones allowed.

Screen time ban

Set boundaries with your phone and create some ‘no phone zones’ in your life! Set aside time in your day to unplug from technology and be fully present.


Life is just too fast. Pause for a moment right now and close your eyes to take a few deep, cleansing breaths – make some space.

Move it

The very core of what we are about – moving, exercise is so important daily, it doesn’t have to be strenuous – do whatever you feel like doing. Swimming, walking, jumping, marching in front of the TV, yoga, weightlifting, HIIT - you’ll never regret exercise.